Wednesday, January 11, 2012

DIY Hanging Strand of Mirrors

 My first project for the new house is a decoration I made for the dining room. We plan on going with a light green and white color scheme for the dining room, and I wanted something fun to hang from the ceiling in one of the corners.

I picked up 4 of these square mirrors at Ikea for only $2.99 a piece. The do have them available in different colors too.
You can find them online at
They came with small little eye hooks to put on the top and bottom of the mirror. Screw those in, as that will be what connects each mirror.

I picked up a green paint stain from Ikea also. It took 4-5 coats per side, but I had plenty of paint left (almost 3/4 can) for other projects.

You will want to paint both sides of the mirror if you decide to paint.

When they are dry, you want to connect each of the eye hooks that you installed with ribbon, string, yarn, or whatever you choose to use. I used security ties, because it keeps each mirror from completely spinning around. I got a pack of those for 88 cents at Wal-Mart:
After you secure the mirrors together, you should end up with something like this!:

Sorry for the photo quality. I had no where to hang it until we move, so I had to hang it off the plant hook on our balcony, and the sun was really bright. But, I think it turned out great!

Total Cost: $19.50
Total Time: 60 mins

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